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Sermon Podcast

You in Five Years

You in Five Years

What changes can you make now to become who you want to be in five years?

We all have goals, plans, hopes, and dreams for our future. Things we want to start—or maybe stop—doing. But how do we get there? This series explores some spiritual and practical steps you can take to become the person you want to be in five years.

Travel Light

Travel Light

During the holiday season, we take on a lot: tension from family relationships, unrealistic expectations, financial pressure, the dream of the perfect holiday. This series will help unpack what really makes holidays meaningful. Pack only the essentials, and travel light.

The Good Work

The Good Work

Each one of us has a good work to do. We may not see it yet, but it’s often right there in front of our eyes. For Nehemiah, it was a crumbled wall. For you, it could be an injustice in the world, or a need you see what no one else does. During this series, we will learn how Nehemiah responded to his own calling and learn how we can change our own world just by leaning into the unique calling that God has put in front of each of us.

This four-week series will take a closer look at the good work God called Nehemiah to do and show us how his story can be an example in our own lives. God has called us all to a good work in our world, in our neighborhood, or in our family. This series will challenge us to find our purpose, understand our opposition, and give us the tools and encouragement to live out our calling.

Welcome to the Party!

Welcome to the Party!

Over and over in scripture, we find Jesus hosting parties, making appearances at them or telling stories about them. Why? What was it about Jesus' life and the way he chose to live that parties were such a central component? What can we learn from Jesus and his parties that could change our relationships with others and the way we live our lives?



It’s all in your head. But what if that’s a good thing? Too often we’re prisoners to our thoughts: those voices telling us to worry, that we aren’t good enough, or that we can’t ever change our behavior. Join us for this series that shines a light on the strongholds that hold us down and gives us the tools we need to shatter them.

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